
It has come to my attention that people actually do read this 🙂 So my sincere apologies for not writing again sooner. I have been meaning to write about the Ukraine, which I believe is somewhat accurately portrayed in the media but deserves some clarification, as well as Tibet – the light that has changed my view on life… Our culture – I have learned – is really one interpretation of “life”… And to think anything different is quite arrogant.Anyways, and in the meantime before I write further on both of those trips/topics, see a writing below, which like Joni Mitchell when she went super “blue-sy” and off-beat from her original compositions… bear with me on this one, for is a beat creative in nature, but I think it should be said. It is quite quick and to the point but seemed to be butting its head:

To the couple at the hostel on the round about-type circle with park at the center in Krakow-I think of you! And all the couples and all the people from my travels. The ones that (especially!) I may lose memory of, but I reach back to grab you in the semi-hazy, but fully important past. I think of you.  I think of you with infinite smiles and infinite thanks. For you showed me to your phone and helped a perfect stranger. I wish to present you to the world for what is lacking in it. I stretch even further to remember your faces… where you were from…. and our conversation. For I wish to make a futuristic multi-dimensional conference-type poster (setup on eissel and all!) of your words and your essence. And then hang it to the wind like Tibetan prayer flags – in the true Tibetan style, where they truly, in all their hearts, believe it will deliver their prayers. You are mine.
